360Rize 360Penguin HDR Product Shot

New 360 Camera from 360Rize is Changing the Way VR Should be Presented

Virtual Reality, VR for short, has grown in presentation and practice since the days of the basic point and shoot camera, 360Rize’s newest creation, the 360Penguin, has changed the game. The 360Penguin is the world’s best consumer-priced 360 camera. At under $300, it delivers stunning 4K, 5.7K 360 video, 25 mega-pixel 360 photos and even 360 live streaming can now be created and managed by everyone.

360 Content used to be produced only by those who have a big budget to spend on expensive rigs, usually multi-camera arrays, that cost thousands of dollars, just to create high definition quality 360 content. Even today’s 360 consumer cameras are still in the price range of $400 to $900 and requires hours upon hours of stitching the images together, requires the latest in high tech phones and powerhouse computers not to mention some frustration. Until Now.

The Old Game

360Rize 360Penguin TheOldGame_(1024x1024)

The New Rules

For $298, the 360Penguin now gives everyone the ability to shoot content, whatever content is around you, to share with the world. Let everyone see what’s all around you all the time. It’s not a game controlled by money any longer.

Just as easily as a point and shoot can capture that backyard, country wedding. Capture that hunt, the walk in the woods. The 360Penguin captures it all around you. Visiting someplace for the first time? Become a tourguide for those that only wish they could be there. Give a tour of that building to a potential client with a full 360 tour, shot in the 360Penguin’s 24-megapixel camera. Show off the whole thing in 4K or 6K video. Now, the power is now in your hands.

Presentation is now in the hands of everyone.

The 360Penguin from 360Rize breaks the chains of major studio production of virtual reality. Join the 360 content creation revolution.

360Rize 360Penguin KinzuaJoin the Revolution! Get your 360Penguin Here!


Read more about how the 360Penguin from 360 Rize has revolutionized the industry here