From the depths of New Zealand, the 360Heros team is offering a $5,000 reward to the adventurous person(s) who can manage to recover our lost camera gear from the bottom of the ocean. If you haven’t had a chance to read the background story on this incident, a freak accident (and by accident, we mean a hungry great white shark) devoured our plans to shoot 360 degree video for Discovery’s Shark Week.
The hunt for this missing camera gear has caught some attention, as Mike Kintner was interviewed by Right This Minute regarding his lost gear and the ensuing film footage. The Right This Minute team asked Mike about the incident, joked about the shark’s little snack and inquired about the prospects of someone recovering the sunken gear.

As mentioned in the interview, this has led 360Heros to offer a cash reward for the missing gear and what is most likely some very impressive 360 degree footage.
As you can see in the video below, the 360Heros scuba gear sank to the bottom of the ocean floor, taking with it what would have been the first 360 degree shark footage ever filmed. The lost equipment was one thing, but the loss of this video footage was a major blow to our ambitions as trailblazers in the world of 360 video.
This camera gear and its contents are far more valuable to us than they are to the sea creatures they now co-inhabit the ocean floor with (no offense to the fish and plant life). If you have any information as to the whereabouts of this camera gear or are on the hunt for your next adventure, we’d love to hear from you!
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