Online Training and Workshops

360Rize has trained some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry. We show people how to produce 360 video and select the right equipment for their needs. We have used our experience to finely-tune training programs that help students take the first step, or that next big step, in 360 video production.
People come to us with a variety of expectations about what they want to accomplish with 360 video. To help you decide, we have organized topics into several courses, as well as made hourly pricing available for custom topics. Once you have had a chance to review these options, let’s set up a meeting to discuss what will work best for you.
Pricing for Online Training
$150USD per Hour / minimum 1 Hour
or Course Pricing as listed below
The amount of time listed for each item below is the average time required for presentation of the information and time for questions as we go along. Different students and different footage can affect the actual time required. We will have demo footage available for demonstration purposes. If you prefer to use your own footage for the demonstrations, please be aware that this might add considerable time to certain steps of the process.
Online training is designed for one participant in a highly focused setting. If you require more people on your team to attend, you might want to consider our Onsite Workshops. Information about Onsite Workshops can be found below.
Online Training Course Offerings
Basic Online Course Includes:
- Choices of Cameras and Different Rigs (.5 Hours)
- Best Camera Settings (.5 Hours)
- Rig and Camera Positioning based on type of filming (.5 Hours)
- Directing Talent for 360 filming (.5 Hours)
- Proper – Dummy Proof – Shooting techniques (.5 Hours)
- Copying your footage to your computer and sorting takes (.5 Hours)
- Quick-Stitching your content for dailies (1 Hour)
Total Time: 4 Hours | Course Price $399USD
Advanced Online Course Includes:
- Learning the NLE timeline sync technique to find the best possible synchronization of your muti-camera footage (.5 Hours)
- Fine Stitching your Quick Stitched content: We will go over the more advanced tools in the stitching software to demonstrate how to understand and evaluate problem points in your footage and find solutions. (1.5 Hours)
- Evaluating locked positions vs moving footage (.5 Hours)
- In-depth Look at control points and how they affect your stitch (1 Hour)
- Using the masking tool to improve your stitch (1 Hour)
- Patching the floor or sky of your stitch using the Photoshop technique (1 Hour)
- Cleaning up your stitch and verifying minimal errors (.5 Hours)
- Optimal output settings for publication or further post-production (.5 Hours)
Total Time: 6.5 Hours | Course Price $649USD
Post-Production, Premiere and Metal VR Tools (Online):
- Choosing the best footage and cuts for use in VR storytelling (1 Hour)
- Using the multi-stitch cross-blending technique to deal with problematic seams (1.5 Hours)
- Re-timing your sync to deal with minor parallax errors (1 Hour)
- Using Metal VR Tools for Premiere to add graphics and other enhancements to your 360 project (1.5 Hours)
Workshops at Your Location
We Come To You
Our Onsite Workshops are entertaining, inspiring and educational. Your exact requirements for the type of content and scale of the presentation is completely customizable. We strive to offer the most comprehensive, hands-on and up-to-date experience that ensures the class participants walk away with information required to produce better 360 video content. We work with major studios, national event coordinators, camera rental houses and special production teams to bring value to the table for every training session we host.
1 Day Onsite Training for Up To 7 Students: $3000USD
Meet Your Trainer
360/VR Production Specialist
Our team members has spent the last four years traveling the world filming, sharing and training people on the use of 360 video. Our team members have extensive experience in shooting 360 video, editing and training in this fast past growing industry. We plan, coordinate and executes client projects, tests new products and focus on helping people create their own 360 video content through instructional videos and in-person training sessions. Our team members have extensive backgrounds in research and design, videography, photography, web development and graphic design which all pushes the limits of immersive content and virtual reality experiences.
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