Nra Turkey Hunt

NRA Capturing Everything is the Game!

The 360 Penguin Sport Action camera is re-visited with great success and rewards for the camera man that wishes to capture everything that’s happening all around the hunt.

NRA American Riflemen

The NRA Show in Harrisburg Show brings in sports fans from all over the country.  Looking for the next best thing in finding ways to make the hunt more exciting or in our case a way to see everything that’s happening all around you.

Featured in this years 2020 NRA American Rifleman Review, the small light weight camera that can sit on your shoulder, captures everything that’s happening all around you.  360Rize 360Penguin Demo MonicaThe 10 point buck in front of you, as well as the 18 point buck watching you from behind.

For those attending the NRA show, we are excited to provide over a 60% discount off it’s retail price.  ($119)  Use Coupon Code: NRA2020    Wow what a great deal for our NRA fans!  READ MORE

NRA 360Rize 360 Action Camera Bundle

Its one thing to have the camera, however its really cool to have the camera sitting on your shoulder like a parrot.  You get the 360 action camera, should mount plus all the mounting accessories for only $175.  Over $165 savings.

360Rize Shoulder-Mount-With-Camera