360Rize a 360Heros Inc Company falls to Victim of Patent Theft; the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) allows issued patent rights to stripped away, killing the inventor’s dreams; 360Rize a 360Heros Inc company has been in a patent battle of a lifetime with GoPro. Initially, GoPro sued 360Heros for their trademarked name, (which GoPro doesn’t even own the trademark), copied its patented products and made millions off the illegal use of 360Heros patents.

360Heros sued GoPro in Delaware court and in recent court proceedings, 360Heros won the IPR/PTAB decision where USPTO Leadership Sides With Patent Owner, Ruling Even Deficient Complaints Trigger Time-Bar however as of Thursday, October 24, 2019. GoPro has filed a frivolous appeal (Case IPR2018–01754. Patent 9,152,019 B2) because it’s all amount running up litigation costs so the inventor can never make it to trial. It’s a shame, I paid my fees at the patent office, received my patent, had my patented products copied, however, the USPTO and PTAB can have it all stripped away, and large corporations help them do it!
News Update: December 2019: GoPro loses the appeal of the IPR/PTAB decision. The only thing that GoPro did manage to do; which is what lawyers and these companies do best; is drive up the costs of litigation with frivolous motions and adds another 1.5 years to the case.
See ITEM #6 of this article 6 Things You Didn’t Know About GoPro, Inc. published by Motley fool, a large stock analysis corporation.
360Heros is NOT the only victim of this! Thousands of other inventors are stripped of their patents all because large corporations use their vast financial resources to take advantage of the USPTO and PTAB processes to destroy the inventor’s hard-earned work. It’s easier and cheaper for large corporations to use the patent system to strip patent rights away, drive up the litigation costs for inventors, and the lawyers, the real winners in the end, get paid big money doing it!
Come help us inventors fight to be heard!
NATIONAL HARBOR, MD, USA, October 25, 2019 /EINPresswire.com/ — This Friday, October 25, inventors from the first ever Patent Protest in US history are returning to rally in support of Emmy & Academy Award-winning inventors Glen Sanders and Howard Stark, founders of audio technology company, Zaxcom. Alongside the American Intellectual Property Law Association’s annual meeting, the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) will hold a public hearing forcing Zaxcom to defend patents granted to it over the last two decades against competitor Lectrosonics.
Since the creation of the PTAB under the 2011 America Invents Act, 3,173 inventors have had their issued patent rights stripped away. PTAB trials are normally heard within the walls of the US Patent Office in Alexandria, Va. In contrast, this Friday’s hearing will take place in front of 1,000+ lawyers attending the annual convention of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center outside of Washington, D.C.
“The USPTO and the AIPLA are representatives of the public-private partnership that is now sadly profiting from the invalidation of the patent rights of inventors,” said Josh Malone, a volunteer with US Inventor and inventor/founder, Bunch O Balloons. “Prior PTAB trials were incredibly unjust and devoid of due process, but this week’s gladiator-style show trial is unconscionable. This event has become The Hunger Games for inventors.”
When: October 25 at 11:00 AM
Where: Gaylord Resort at National Harbor Conference Center, 201 Waterfront St, National Harbor, MD 20745
Who: Glen Sanders and Howard Stark are inventors and founders of audio tech company Zaxcom, first known for the invention of the Time Base Corrector control system. A leader in its field, Zaxcom’s patents attracted the interest of competing audio technology company, Lectrosonics. Lectrosonics turned down Zaxcom’s offer of a licensing agreement, opting instead to invalidate the patents through PTAB. This rally is bringing together American inventors from across the country in protest.
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