Meet Our Newest 360 Producer!

360Rize continues to teach the greenest of 360 individuals! As we enjoy educating others about 360 content capture, we have had an opportunity to do so right here in Olean NY. It is with great pleasure that we introduce to you our latest customer. Additionally, we would like to show you the amazing footage this new user gathered his FIRST TIME OUT with his 360Penguin!! When Mike John, Owner of MJ Painting Contractor Corp., told us what he was planning to capture, we just knew that we could help him out! We immediately helped him set up his new 360Penguin camera and shoulder mount. Furthermore, we gave him step by step instructions on what he needed to do at the very moment he desired capture. Mike seemed a bit nervous. However, his self-made motion picture of his planned trip to the Grand Canyon came out wonderful! Let us tell you all about it!
One of the 7 Natural Wonders Of The World

Mike had scheduled a trip to the Grand Canyon in Arizona with his family. His family members dared him to zip line across this famous great divide with them. The plans were set, and Mike became very excited! Mikes family believed that he would be the first to back out of the zip lining venture. Coincidentally, he embraced the idea of not only experiencing the ride, but also capturing it with the 360Penguin Camera. As the set date approached, it appeared that Mike would be the only one in his group to keep his vow to go through with zip lining the Grand Canyon! Though it is extremely difficult to capture the beauty of this immense landmark, 360Rize feels that Mike did a wonderful job! Let us tell you how he accomplished this!
How To Film 360 Zip Lining
Just as Mike was shown here at our office, he assembled his 360Penguin to his Shoulder Mount. He had an empty formatted ultra extreme micro SD card all ready in the 360Penguin camera. He was mindful to have a lens pointing directly at his face. The reasoning for this was to make sure each image from each lens would blend correctly. This results in a great stitch. When the time came for him to start recording, all he had to do is hold the main button to power on the camera. Once the camera is on, default settings have it in video mode. Furthermore, when he was ready to record, he just hit that same button again quickly. Recording began immediately. After that, all Mike had to think about was enjoying the ride of his life as he flew across 3200 ft of zipline above one of Americas most visited natural wonders! This footage speaks for itself! Mike now has high resolution footage of this adventure that he can now share with others. Furthermore, his family can experience the ride almost as if they were there too! Take a look at the fun we had with his footage below!
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