Sportsmen Love The 360Penguin

One thing is for sure, outdoors-men and women LOVE the 360Penguin! This past weekend, 360Rize visited our second consecutive outdoor show to promote our 360Penguin camera. Located in Salamanca, New York, The York-Penn Shows hosted the Cattaraugus County Outdoors Show. We set up inside the Seneca Allegany Resort and Casino Event Center. Additionally our 40Ft 360Penguin Bus let everyone on the outside know we were present for this event. York-Penn Shows Executives welcomed and accommodated this new kind of booth at their sportsmen show. Our staff set up to exhibit our new 360Penguin, our multi-functional 360 action camera and its potential uses. Furthermore, we showed off some of our footage from the 360Penguin in our VR headset! The response we received from viewers was exhilarating! All of us here at 360Rize know that we are reaching the right folks!
All Types Of Folks

The cool thing about the crowd at this particular show is that they were not just sportsmen. As a matter of fact, some of our visitors pondered more uses for the 360Penguin than just hunting and fishing. Although most sought out products to improve their game hunting, we also spoke with motorcycle enthusiasts, equine enthusiasts, and those who just enjoy capturing family events. Our featured video, that is also located on our main website page, caught the attention of many who were on a mission for different booths. This video helps us show the different scenarios that our 360Penguin camera can be used in. As many saw our 360Footgae in 2D on the TV monitor, they also wondered “how does this look in 360?” We were abliged to show them!
Seeing Is Believing

360 content is becoming more familiar to consumers than it has been in the past. Previously it seemed like just one big magical act conducted by professional film makers. With the growth of social media platforms that host and handle 360 files, more and more consumers want to know how to create 360 content themselves. Additionally, as VR viewing goggles become more affordable, our case is a bit more believable that 360 content creation and viewing is affordable and easy to do! One by one, sportsmen show attendees witnessed our high resolution 360 content inside our Oculus Go Headset. Every single person who did so removed the headset and expressed amazement with the footage! Needless to say, 360Rize anointed numerous spectators with the knowledge and power to join in on the 360 fun as they took home their very first 360Penguin camera!
Thank you to York-Penn Shows for including 360Rize in your long list of reputable vendors present for this years show! We had a wonderful time!! If we missed you last weekend, click on the button below to see where we will be showing off the 360Penguin Camera next! Our show special of $225 continues for this coming weekend on our next stop!
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