The 360Penguin is not only a cute, but a powerful tool to make it easier to share your memories and events with those you love, in real time, and in full spherical 360. The camera is also the perfect tool to bring your world directly to others, even build your client base through virtual tours.
Imagine that you have just bought a house and you want to share it with your friends all over the country. You know they can’t make it in to see it first-hand. With the 360Penguin, giving them a grand tour is quick and easy. Now, imagine you have a business and you want your customers to know what is going on and where everything is. Set up the camera, take images, and you’re on your way to a great way-finding option!
In less than 20 minutes, we created a fully immersive 360-degree walk-through tour of our home office. The images found in this tour only took 10 minutes to capture using our newly released camera. With technology like this at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. All this and more is possible with the extremely affordable 360Penguin.
360Penguin Tour of 360Rize Headquarters
Here are the master 360 files generated for the above tour.
You can right click over these images to download the master 24 mega-pixel 360 photos for evaluation.
The possibilities are endless with the 360Penguin! The tools are at your fingertips for not only fun family events but for powerful business tools as well.
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