You ever been at a sporting event, trying to capture the action, when all the sudden something really unexpected happens just out of frame? How about when you are following the ball down the field and the perfect block takes place 15 yards away?
For the team photographer shooting with the standard camera, those key plays will be lost forever.
Imagine having a tool on the sideline that will let you capture everything happening, even the reaction of the crowd when that goal is scored. That, and so much more, is what the 360Penguin can give you.
“Sorry, I missed that one.”
As the play passes, you can capture players in their best action, without landing that odd facial expression or click the shutter just a second too late. The 360Penguin will let you capture any point of the action with a quick frame grab for the perfect shot.
“Too bad they couldn’t have been here.”
With the Live Stream Mounting Adapter, all you have to do is connect your camera to an external power source, mount it to a tripod, and connect to Facebook or YouTube! Now, Grandma and Grandpa on the other side of the country can see their grandchild score that goal, make that tackle, or block a punt. The good thing is, it is all live, in real-time, right on their screen! You don’t need that power supply to live stream. The 360Penguin’s internal battery will give you enough power to broadcast for about an hour on a full charge.
Now, the memories of that winning touchdown will be there to reminisce for years to come.
HURRY LIMITED SUPPLY to receive HUGE SAVINGS on the 360PENGUIN Save $75. ($225) A GREAT Christmas Gift that’s ON KICKSTARTER waiting for you.

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