GoPro® announced on 9/28/2017, the new GoPro® Hero6 Black camera is shipping as of 9/28/2017. We are excited to say that the patented 360Rize 360 Plug-n-Play® 360 Video gear is also shipping today and uses the new GoPro® Hero6 Black cameras as well as all other versions of the GoPro cameras. As an added bonus we are offering FREE ground shipping in the US for all products.

Where the real power comes in when using the new GoPro® Hero6 Black camera and its new video settings support 60 fps for the 6 and 7 camera multi-cam rigs and up too 120 fps when using the larger multi-camera rigs like the Pro10, 2D/3D Pro12/Pro14 and Pro24 from 360Rize. The chart below shows all the cameras modes for the new Hero6 Black Cameras and the highlighted green rows are the modes used when shooting with the 360Rize Pro6 and Pro7 360 video rigs.

Three modes used in shooting 360 video with 360Rize’s 6 and 7 multi-camera rigs.

The above screen resolutions shows all the different display modes most small action cameras are using. The 360Rize® 360 Plug-n-Play® 360 video gear for 6/7 camera rigs require you to use the 4:3 aspect ratio camera modes (Areas in Green above) to allow the videos to stitch together and get up to 60 fps (frames per second) with stitched video resolutions as high as 12,000 by 6,000 pixels using the larger 360 camera arrays.
Camera Setting Modes when using 6/7 Camera Multi-Rigs:
- 1440 4:3 Ratio = Approximately 6K stitched 360 Video at 60 fps
- 2.7K 4:3 Ratio =Approximately 8K stitched 360 Video at 60 fps
- 4K 4:3 Ratio = Approximately 12K stitched 360 Video at 30 fps
Camera Setting Modes when using 10/12/14/24 Camera Multi-Rigs:
- 1440 4:3 Ratio = Approximately 6K stitched 360 Video as 60 fps
- 2.7K 4:3 Ratio =Approximately 8K stitched 360 Video as 60 fps
- 2.7K 16:9 Ratio = Approximately 8K stitched at 120 fps
- 4K 4:3 Ratio = Approximately 12K stitched at 30 fps
- 4K 16:9 Ratio = Approximately 12K stitched at 60 fps
When using the larger multi-camera rigs from 360Rize the Pro10, 2D/3D Pro 12/14 and the Pro 24 rigs these modes will allow you to get stitched 360 video content as high as 12K and high frame rates up to 120 fps.
Simple upgrade of our rigs allows users to use the whole GoPro® product line including the new Hero 6.
Because the 360Rize 360 Plug-n-Play 360 video gear is modular in design you can easily upgrade your existing 360 rigs to the Hero 6 cameras for less than $100. The 360 Plug-n-Play® modular center cores work with Hero3,3+,4,5 and the new Hero6 cameras for which we offer upgrade kits. So if you currently own 360Rize rigs and kits this upgrade allows users to swap cameras while maintaining its patented 360 video arrays.

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