As virtual reality has made its presence known in fields ranging from entertainment to advertising, tourism to medicine, and everything in between, the question is no longer, “Is VR viable in our world right now,” it’s “How can we use VR to our advantage?” Everyone wants VR!
Integral to VR’s success is content – demand for quality immersive storytelling is sky-high. So who will create this content, and how?
As facilitators of VR/360 video content creation, we’re excited to share that our friends at B&H Photo Video Pro Audio are helping address these issues by offering A Production Revolution: Virtual Reality and 360° Video Live Panel Discussion at 2 pm EST, May 11.
Tune in as their panel discusses practical solutions for creating virtual reality content, the brave new world of gear required to produce it and virtual reality’s impact on the future of filmmaking.
Doug Guerra will host live panelists Alex Chechelnitsky, Koncept VR head of production; Ben Nunez, Littlstar CEO; Douglas Sonders, 8112 Studios co-founder; and PJ Morreale, YouVisit Studios senior director of operations.
Topics discussed will include:
- Understanding 360 Video and VR – introducing each category and explaining the key differences that define them.
- The Challenges of Creating 360 Video – solving stitching problems, troubleshooting rigging and staging, storytelling parameters, displaying video, beyond and the emergence of virtual reality and the future of the medium and the technology.
- The Emergence of Virtual Reality – a closer look at VR and 360 headsets and their role in shaping creators’ and user’s experiences.
- The Future of the Medium and the Technology – What do all these new options mean for creators? What kind of language exists now, if at all, or will we have to invent new, visual languages for 360 video and VR as we move on? And how will this affect the landscape 5, 10, 20 years down the line?
The object of the panel is to initiate the conversation around VR content creation with the goal of educating people in the process.
We can’t wait to see this great discussion! Make sure you submit your questions via Twitter using #BHPhotoLive !
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