360 VR/360 Media Management Software

Boston VR Workshop hosted by 360Heros

360Heros is proud to announce a series of workshops teaching end-to-end 360 video workflow. We will be hosting the first class in our series this weekend in Boston, Massachusetts on the second floor at Oficio-Kennebunkport on Saturday, April 9th from 9am to 4pm. 

Sign up for the 360Heros 360 Video Workshop in Boston

Matt VR teachingThe workshop will primarily focus on set-up and VR shooting with an overview of the stitching process. The class will level students’ understanding of the basics and dive further into video capture through an introduction to various monoscopic and stereoscopic set-ups. This includes providing detailed information on which rig to use for various shooting scenarios and mounting techniques for creating seamless 360-degree content.

The course will also provide an introduction to our 360CamMan Media Management Software and showcase how to import, analyze, and duplicate data using ‘CamMan. This will demonstrate how our software can be used for importing microSD cards and managing multiple files, which helps to determine the validity of takes and anticipate stitching problems in post production.

unspecified-1Attendees will enjoy a light breakfast and lunch and will be awarded a certificate of completion at the conclusion of the class.

The Boston workshop will be the first of a series we will host around the nation this year with more news about the schedule and locations to follow. We believe that through education around VR technology we can empower content creators to capture creative 360 content.

So if you’re ready to embrace the newest technology in virtual reality capture sign-up here to attend our exciting workshop and let us know where else you’d like to see a 360Heros workshop this year!