360Heros invites you to join our new communities on your favorite social media channels! Our team has created community pages on the most popular social sites in an effort to facilitate conversation among 360 video professionals and hobbyists from around the world!

Currently, we’ve established a community page or group on Google+, LinkedIn and Facebook. Simply visit one of these pages and click its respective “Join” button to become a member of that particular community. With that one simple step you’re ready to talk 360 video with our team members, partners and fellow immersive video enthusiasts!

While Twitter does not currently support groups or community pages, this has not stopped our partners, friends and customers from connecting! By searching the hashtag “#360Heros” you can discover the latest 360 video discussions and news. Also, feel free to follow @360Heros to stay up to date on new panoramic video projects, the latest 360 video products and industry trends.

The aforementioned pages and social channels serve as a space for sharing your 360 video projects, asking questions and making valuable connections in this growing field! The panoramic video community is as diverse and amazing as the videos it produces, and this is our effort to bring it together! We hope you take advantage of these opportunities and we look forward to joining in on the discussions!
© 2011-2014 360Heros™ is a 360Heros Inc Company. GOPRO®, HERO® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Woodman Labs, Inc. in the United States and other countries. 360Heros, Inc. is not an affiliate of GOPRO® or Woodman Labs, Inc. 360Heros is a very proud user of GOPRO® cameras! 360 Heros creates 360° Video using GoPro Hero2 and Hero3 cameras. Check out our gear, sign up for updates, and explore the 360° videos and 360° panoramic photos created with the different 360 Plug-n-Play Video Gear.
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